Questions for co-founder of Scottish VIG
We’d never say that the Scottish Vaccine Injury Group is a controlled operation, designed to corral the vaccine injured into a damage limitation exercise, making them believe they have a voice and representation whilst ultimately leading them nowhere and into the proverbial dead end, rocking the establishment boat only so much as to ensure safety and protection for the criminal cartel members complicit in one of the biggest crimes against humanity ever committed. No, we’d never say that.
We’d just think it. Then write an article about it.
Co-founder of the Scottish VIG, Ruth O’Rafferty, recently gave testimony at the UK COVID-19 Public Inquiry. It certainly raised an eyebrow to see Ruth’s concern over the lack of informed consent for the Covid jabs: ‘They didn’t really have informed consent. They didn’t know what they were consenting to.’
And why would that raise an eyebrow?
In 2022, Declaration of Dumfries contacted the Scottish VIG to offer our comprehensive formal complaint documents, which fully evidenced the NHS failure to obtain informed consent for Covid vaccinations, proving that every injection given was neither valid nor legal. Had those documents been adopted in significant numbers—especially by the vaccine injured—they would have caused major problems for those within the system who were complicit in that crime.

Ruth’s response—that she would NOT be passing the documents onto the group because ‘they’re all too traumatised’ and ‘they’re just not ready’—ensured that the establishment was able to avoid those major problems.
Perplexity AI search engine has an interesting description of ‘controlled opposition’:
The hallmarks of controlled opposition include:
- Inconsistent or harmful actions: They appear to support a cause but make decisions that undermine it or prevent meaningful progress.
- Focus on symbolic wins: They achieve minor victories while avoiding strategies that could lead to decisive success.
- Manipulation of resources: They often collect funds or attention but fail to deliver results, diverting energy from genuine efforts.
- Disinformation and infighting: They spread misinformation or create divisions within the movement they claim to support.
- Unexplained popularity: Their rise is sudden and heavily promoted, often without grassroots support.
Does Ruth’s withholding of the formal complaint documents—de facto censorship—tick any of those boxes?
But we mustn’t cast aspersions without giving someone the opportunity to defend themselves, so here we invite Ruth O’Rafferty to contact DoD and set the record straight by answering a few questions.
Question 1: Considering your concerns about informed consent, upon reflection do you still believe you were right to withhold formal complaint documentation about that very subject from the group, rather than allow grown adults to decide for themselves?
Question 2: Do you still think “What you have done is despicable” is an appropriate response to someone offering everyone in the Scottish VIG the formal complaint templates and assistance, free of charge?

Question 3: What would you say to those from the SVIG who emailed to express their gratitude and were astonished, and even outraged, that you withheld the documents from them?
Question 4: Is it true that you have been recommending £350 per hour medical consultants to the group, as claimed by one member who contacted us; and, if so, do you receive a referral fee?
Question 5: Can you enlighten us as to why you ejected several prominent members of the SVIG without warning and without explanation?
Question 6: Finally—considering the above, can you understand why people might see the SVIG as a captured operation or damage limitation exercise?
We’d be most grateful, dear Ruth, if you could get in touch and set the record straight. Please be assured that any response you provide will be posted unedited in its entirety.
But, between withholding important documents from grown adults who stand to benefit from them, outrageous reactions to people offering to help, and blocking members without explanation, you can surely understand why these questions are being asked?

Let’s finish with a quote from the UK Covid-19 Inquiry:
’There’s been a lot of censorship.’ — Ruth O’Rafferty.
Hasn’t there just, Ruth! Hasn’t there just…

Right of Reply: Contact DoD@DeclarationofDumfries.co.uk with additional or alternative information. Anonymity guaranteed.
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