Scots healthcare adopted Nazi ideology during Covid debacle

It was never our intention to highlight the work of one individual this often, but we direct our readers once again to Biologyphenom‘s Substack page. Some information is too important to overlook. 

This recent article reports on testimony given at the UK Covid-19 Inquiry regarding the imposition of DNACPR in Scotland (often referred to as DNR – ‘Do Not Resuscitate’).

The deliberate withholding of treatment by Scottish medical staff targeted precisely the same categories of people as the Nazi euthanasia programme Aktion T4, which was reportedly responsible for the killing of up to 300,000 people with physical and mental disabilities, ranging from the very young to the elderly and infirm.

Aktion T4 ‘aimed to eliminate what eugenicists and their supporters considered “life unworthy of life”: those individuals who—they believed—because of severe psychiatric, neurological, or physical disabilities represented both a genetic and a financial burden…’ explains one article on Aktion t4, entitled Program to Murder People with Disabilities.

As with all measures and “rules” during the Covid fiasco, it took individuals blindly ‘just following orders’ to turn those rules into reality. Had healthcare workers simply refused to go along with such atrocious diktats, it would simply never have happened. But they didn’t refuse. They complied. And not only did they comply, there are serious allegations of forged signatures by medical staff on DNACPR forms being investigated by Police Scotland – although we’d strongly advise that no-one holds their breath awaiting justice.

But what of our public servant overlords in parliament, whose noble task it is to look after the interests of the public? They surely must have an official stance on atrocities such as Aktion T4 and the targeting of vulnerable groups (aka eugenics)? Interestingly, there’s an Early Day Motion on the UK Parliament website regarding this very issue:

“That this House remembers the tragic events known as Aktion T4 in Nazi Germany; notes that up to 300,000 people died as a result of that involuntary euthanasia programme in Nazi Germany; recognises the horror of the crime committed, namely that both children and adults were murdered purely because of their mental or physical disabilities; further recognises the value of all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, gender and disability; condemns any abuse of individuals due to a particular characteristic that they have; and urges the Government to do more to protect people with disabilities and ensure that they are treated equally in all aspects of life.”

Only ten signatures. Make of that what you will. Also of note is the date: 4th March 2020; 15 days before Covid-19 was officially downgraded from a High Consequence Infectious Disease; and 19 days before the announcement of lockdowns and the subsequent implementation of Aktion T4. Right here in Scotland.

But – fear not, folks! – completely at odds with the testimony given at the inquiry, the Scottish Government have denied that blanket DNACPR actually happened! “Neither the Scottish Government, nor individual Health Boards, have ‘ordered’ the use of Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) forms for any individuals or groups of patients and there has been no change to the Scottish Government guidance on the use of DNACPR forms during the Covid 19 outbreak. As with all other clinical treatments, decisions about CPR should be made by clinicians, based on the individual clinical circumstances and wishes of the patient, recorded appropriately and updated when medical circumstances change.”

So we can all rest easy. Because the government would never lie.

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This article can also be viewed on Declaration of Dumfries Substack page.

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