2 thoughts on “<strong>Bow to the Sovereign!</strong>”

  1. Franca Bruno

    It does not insult – there are no swear words – it tells it how it is in a very simple and almost humble, yet firm way. It is acknowledging a sovereign who is so out of touch with it’s people and the times. But the people are saying times have changed and so have they. The sovereign needs to get back to his proper oaths and proper governance. Only then will the people acknowledge his title and role.

    1. Hi Franca,

      Many thanks for your comments, which we wholeheartedly agree with – except perhaps when it comes to who we are talking about when it comes to “the sovereign”.

      Every man and woman on this earth are sovereign in their own right, as equals; in fact, should anyone declare themselves to be anything other than equal to we individual sovereigns, then we can only think they have some problem with narcissism and are indeed beneath our sovereign status until such time as that is corrected.

      They are welcome to join us at any time, which is pretty much what the poem is alluding to, but there will never be an acknowledgement of any such “title” or “role”.

      No oath – nor any proclamation of the right to “govern” others – by anyone, backed by whatever amount of fawning sycophants, will ever change that.

      Thank you for visiting.


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