The man behind the Biologyphenom Substack was quick to extend his gratitude for yesterday’s article highlighting the abuses exposed in the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry and directing our readers to his work.
Declaration of Dumfries appreciates his sentiment and returns the compliment – the more people we can direct to Biologyphenom’s superbly diligent exposure of this event, the better, because at some point there has to be accountability for the genocide-level crimes that were committed, and evidence such as Biologyphenom’s will be key to that end.
We thought his words worthy of an update:
I actually get so fed up being the ”Scottish COVID inquiry guy”. I’m just an ordinary bloke with a biology diploma from 2003.
What should trouble everyone is the total lack of alternative media wanting to write about the inquiry! And don’t get me started on Neil Oliver failing to cover the closing statements. Literally all this happening just 36 miles away from his doorstep in Stirling in Edinburgh. AND he’s allegedly a historian!
To this day my mind boggles that the closing statements from the health and social care hearings 27-28 Jun 2024 so THE most important have been COMPLETELY ignored the not just the Scottish media but the WORLD’S media – including ”alternative.” You will not find a single report anywhere.

I am extremely concerned about the lack of public discourse over the Scottish COVID Inquiry, given MSPs granted themselves permanent lockdown powers in 2022 therefore there is every chance what transpired from March 2020 will happen again. Furthermore, the Care Home Relatives Scotland group whose members have testified with great courage at the inquiry are remarkably all but begging the government to pass ”Annes Law’’, which will in effect turn what was once unenforceable and now proven harmful guidance on masks, visiting rights, social distancing, proof of vaccination, etc, into law.
Basically, most of the measures their members have argued against as causing all sorts of harms at the inquiry will be LEGALISED in perpetuity for outbreaks of ANY organism cited by public health. This law would also include other facilities and NOT just care homes.
Even at closing statements CHRS lawyer Simon Crabb stated in relation to why Annes Law was required: ”There remains no guarantee than ANOTHER PROLONGED LOCKDOWN, which would imprison care home residents and deny them access to their loved ones, could not happen again.’
LOCKDOWNS are being normalised DESPITE the irrefutable evidence of serious harm, up to death. Lockdowns have no place in a civilised modern democracy – are we?”
Read more about ‘Annes Law’- https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newthe-sinister-side-to-annes-law
With backs turned en masse to the damning evidence at the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry, not only by bought-and-paid-for mainstream outlets as we’d expect, but also the so-called alternative media, one has to wonder who can be trusted in the greatest battle of our times.
Thankfully, we can say with 100% certainty that Biologyphenom can be counted as a true ally.

Right of Reply: Contact DoD@DeclarationofDumfries.co.uk with additional or alternative information. Anonymity guaranteed.