Question: When would mainstream media outlets bury their head in the sand and miss the opportunity to report on world-shattering revelations exposing deadly, systemic abuse and institutionalised corruption, such as
🔳 Fatal medical protocols targeting the vulnerable and the elderly
🔳 Faking death certificates
🔳 Placing patients on Do Not Resuscitate orders against their families’ wishes
🔳 Neglecting, starving and dehydrating vulnerable patients to death
🔳 Isolating and imprisoning patients for an entire year
🔳 Hastening death with end of life pathway protocols
🔳 Inappropriate, absent or delayed medical attention
🔳 Refusing treatment
🔳 Hospital staff overriding power of attorney
🔳 Visits denied
🔳 Dying alone

Answer: when it’s the Scottish Covid Inquiry.
Evidence of these atrocities and more has been revealed during the inquiry since it began in July 2023, yet the mainstream media has been strangely silent. Below is a photo of the press seats on the day of the testimony chief executive of Scottish Care Dr Donald Macaskill, a scene described as “missing in action” by investigator Biologyphenom, who has been documenting the entire inquiry on his Substack page from the beginning.

He was also documenting the event on Twitter but has had his account deleted – no doubt for breaching “community standards”, the highest of accolades in these warped times.
Also concerning is the fact that most of the so-called ‘alt media’ channels seem to have turned a blind to eye to the inquiry’s shocking revelations, lending credence to the sometimes over-used term ‘controlled opposition’ – “If there’s one thing I do not like it’s being the only guy in the world that appears to have an interest/view on it all” Biologyphenom told DoD.
DoD salutes Biologyphenom for his incredible work and strongly recommend his Substack. The testimony makes for harrowing viewing and exposes the mentality, the inhumanity and the depths to which people in alleged authority and positions of supposed ‘care’ were willing to stoop, as well as the physical and mental torture they were eager to inflict on others under the mantra of ‘just following orders’.
This is perhaps the most shocking lesson that the inquiry’s revelations teach us – that certain unspeakable atrocities that ought to have been permanently consigned to the past are but one melodramatic, contrived, propagandised headline away from being repeated on our own shores.

Right of Reply: Contact DoD@DeclarationofDumfries.co.uk with additional or alternative information. Anonymity guaranteed.
This post has absolutely nailed everything from A-Z that went on in care homes and hospitals..many families will appreciate you keeping this out there.. @biologyphenom done an amazing job covering the inquiry , then Moira Brown took it a step further and did her utmost for these crimes to be recognised and acted upon with Police Scotland.. please keep it coming , as said we can never forget what they done..
They tried to silence @biologyphenom regarding real truths he outed for all to see..🌍
We will continue to do our best to keep these stories out there regarding his work on this..
it can never become old news…
On behalf of many of the care home family members that might not use or have access to social media I know they would also be very grateful for your work on this…
Thank you for your comments, Fiona.
And yes, “it can never become old news…” We could not possibly agree more.
We will all continue to share Dave’s work and any from yourself or @TheRustler as best as we possibly can.. the people that don’t know must become aware of what went down.. barbaric days we can never accept in our lifetime ever again..
Myself and family can’t thank Dave enough for all the hard work and effort he put into covering the Scottish covid inquiry. Also the doors he opened to help me get my brothers death heard🙏 He’s been a voice for every single victim my big brother included. We’ll be forever grateful 🙏 Thankyou also for speaking up about what’s happened to his account for highlighting real life testimonies while all the rest stayed silent. We’ll never forget or forgive !! Justice4James 🙏 Forever41 💔 justice4all 🙏
Thank you so much for your comments, Pamela, and we’re sorry to hear of your tragic circumstances.
Dave is one in a million.
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