The ‘far right’ cliché is a pejorative flung like confetti by the moral virtue brigade, oblivious to the fact that in reality they are everything they say they hate.
So ingrained are they into the left-wing, woke ideological opinions handed to them by mainstream TV channels that, in their desperation to distance themselves as far away from the mythical, nonexistent “far right” as possible, they stumble unwittingly into the trap of being identical in everything but the brand name.
“If you imagine the extreme left and right sitting not on a linear spectrum but rather on a bar of steel that’s been bent to meet at the ends, they are the ends that touch. Where they meet is totalitarianism. They meet in a place where Stalin’s government and The Third Reich look remarkably similar” – Daniel Miessler.

The concept of commu-fascism existed even during the second world war. Because there is little if any difference in the end result of either communism or fascism. Both demand greater state surveillance. Both lead to suppression of free speech. Both brutally attack all dissent against approved thoughts and beliefs.
We can confidently assume that most, if not all, of the commu-fascists in attendance at the D&G TUC anti-racism event reported on earlier this month will believe each of the above to be a good idea, especially in the name of ‘safety’ or their particular version of morality, whilst at the same time believing themselves to be of a ‘liberal’ mindset. Irony lost, of course.
And there is little doubt that the same commu-fascists will have fully condoned the state’s control of the press during the Covid debacle to ensure that the government sanctioned narrative was strictly adhered to. Restrictions on journalism have been a key factor in every authoritarian regime throughout history, without exception.
This brings us to recent events. In what can only described as an act of supreme journalistic cowardice, in June of this year the Dumfries & Galloway Standard reported that ‘A 24-year-old Dumfries man will stand trial charged with sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl’. A Dumfries man.
What the squirming Standard deliberately avoided reporting was that this was not a Dumfries man at all, but rather an asylum seeker, welcomed with open arms and lodging at taxpayers expense at the Dumfries Mercure Hotel.
Were a Scotsman to commit the exact same crime upon seeking asylum in the capital of Afghanistan, would local press report him as ‘A Kabul man’? One need not wonder.
Perhaps the D&G Standard is infested with politically correct, woke ideology?
Or are they beholden to some government instruction to fudge reality into the state-approved narrative? We may never know, because the D&G Standard did not respond to our query asking why they reported the story in the manner they did – the non-response being typical of all such organisations, state-run or otherwise.

Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that the D&G Standard is by no means an independent publication. They are owned by the Daily Record, who are in turn owned by Reach plc, whose website boasts ‘over 120 national and regional brands’ including the Daily Star, the Mirror, the Express and OK! magazine.

But it doesn’t end there. Reach plc director Anne Bulford was up to her neck in a number of BBC organisations before Reach; it would be foolish to assume that she will not have brought with her at least some of the government propaganda unit’s influence, if not direct connections. And Reach director James Mullen’s 237 current appointments certainly raise an eyebrow.
There has been no denial from D&G TUC secretary John Dennis that he incited a counter-protest against the ‘Stop Illegal Immigration’ protest planned for this coming Saturday, 31st August. Mr Dennis appears oblivious to any concerns that Saturday’s protestors may have, dismissing them as “over-exaggerated” whilst simultaneously admitting that there are issues regarding “behaviour towards the opposite sex” – clear-cut cognitive dissonance.
DoD reached out to one participant in this weekend’s upcoming event. Such is the oppression from the state-sanctioned commu-fascist mob that he wishes to be referred to simply as a ‘concerned father’.
“It’s very clear that it’s not exaggerated due to what you read in court files,” CF told DoD.“I have also spoken to bouncers at local pubs along with people who drink in these premises some months ago, along with stories from women in Dumfries.” – a statement consistent with John Dennis’ own words. CF believes that the UK has become an easy target for illegal immigration due to the automatic entitlement to benefits and accommodation they receive. Does that make him racist?
“People that think I’m a racist are so far off the mark as I have Sikh friends, Muslim friends and many friends from different walks of life.”
And what message does he have for those who attended the recent anti-racism event? And did he attend it himself? – “I would never have attended that rally as those people are entitled to their opinion like everyone else; however, it seems the same people seem to have a problem with British citizens having their point of view, as on video footage they were encouraging them to have a rally the same day as our rally on the 31st.
“My message to them is: Does what I’m saying class me as racist because I’m against illegal immigration coming to the country, as they have criminals among them with no police checkpoints? Police are struggling for manpower, the NHS is crumbling, education and social services failing, we have a cost of living crisis; and in among all this we’re spending millions a year on immigrants who are entering the country illegally.
“It’s also common knowledge that the people on boats coming over are stating they are children when they are clearly not. The government has been blocked from doing medical testing to determine their age as apparently its against human rights, which I find ridiculous. If these people didn’t have anything to hide, why wouldn’t they show identity? In some cases I would imagine that’s because they would be refused entry due to their criminal records.”
“I really feel for real people trying to make a better life for themselves with fleeing their own country, but has the UK got the room or the funds? No. I was brought up to look after your own first, we can’t even keep the winter payment for heating in the winter for the elderly.”
We salute the concerned mothers and fathers who wish to highlight legitimate concerns about immigration on Saturday – concerns even recognised by the same commu-fascists who will call them racist for doing so.

Whether the peacock plumage mob prove they are everything they say they hate by disrupting a ‘peaceful and silent’ protest remains to be seen, but finally we salute our concerned father’s bravery in raising his head above the parapet in the face of commu-fascist intimidation:
A true Dumfries man.

Right of Reply: Contact DoD@DeclarationofDumfries.co.uk with additional or alternative information. Anonymity guaranteed.
A brilliant well presented article. I am a British born woman of West Indies parentage. My father came to Britain from Jamaica as a volunteer to help in the war effort. However, I am 100% in agreement that unlawful entry into the UK. Is a criminal offence and needs to be stopped and those who entered should be rounded up and sent back.
Hi Tina, many thanks for your comments. We agree – this open doors policy is dangerous int he extreme, but then again that will part of the plan.
A well written piece 👏, this is not the country I was born into anymore!. Our country has been sold cheap by cash for access corrupt politicians, mostly in the pay of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, if you look at their agenda and what is happening the future looks truly horrific!!. They and it must be stopped at any cost !!
An excellently written declaration and one which I totally endorse. WRT to the two circles I have long believed this to be the case with each side equally as nasty. I, like many others, just want an honest discussion on the issue we have as a nation.
Many thanks for your comments. Yes, how would one decide between Stalinist Russia and Hitler’s Germany when they both ultimately mean the same thing – dictatorship, total control and complete loss of all freedoms. This is the point that many who believe communism and fascism to be polar opposites seem to miss. The dictators themselves certainly could not care less which flavour dictator they are.
It’s at least good that it speaks of the underlying principles which are absent from maisntream media. So, ‘far right’ as pajorative weapon, suppression of truth, suppression of truth during covid, left and right both creating totalitarianism, and all this facilitated currently via the ‘woke mind virus’.
What it lacks is the overarching idea that the deep state have caused this problem intentionally, to achieve other long-term objectives. Those objectives being – Increased powers to surveil, increased powers to suppress any information, digital ID, and all the other drachonian totalitarian powers that make their position in unchallenged authority assured, like some form of social credit scoring to inhibit free opinion expression by punitive financial penalty.
There is no such thing as ‘the far right’ in the UK, just as there is no far left. What there is is a government bringing in large numbers of foreigners, having ravaged their countries in bombing campaigns, causing the refugee crisis, then telling all the poor UK folk that the foreigners are stealing their cookies. The reality is it’s the ruling classes stealing all the wealth and making the dumb masses think the theif is the foriegner.
It’s the classic divide and rule, cause the chaos and misdirect blame away from those ruling elites who cause the waves of chaos on which they ride. Forgive me for saying this, but the dumb masses are so easily led to fight amongst themselves, so eager to believe the ‘foreigner steals their cookie’ story, or so keen to virtue signal their rejection of the far right, they are both sides blind to the orchistration. They cannot see they are being played from behind a curtain, by actors who do not care who you vote for, which ‘side’ you prefer, for that is just the ‘illusion of democracy’ (Chomsky).
All the while we argue over the symptoms, without focussing on the cause, we will continue toward totalitarianism.
The only nitpick I would have with this Declaration is that “far right” isn’t an arbitrary slur – it’s 100% true. The Bolsheviks were Far Left. The Fascists were Far Left. The National Socialists were Far Left. The Feminists were Far Left. Islam is Far Left. All Socialism, no matter where it comes from or what language it uses, is Far Left. Lucifer was Far Left – this is the most crucial point to muster. Karl Marx’s Satanist poetry, his personal filth, and his love of nothing but money illuminates his frame of mind when he wrote that wretched Communist Manifesto. It’s not a totalitarian horseshoe with two completely different worldviews reaching the same ultimate means – it’s the same body of water wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle.
The Far Right is defined by its opposition to the Far Left. The men who stormed Normandy were Far Right. The French Resistance were Far Right. The Christians in the Gulags who sang songs of Praise and Hope were Far Right. Our Lord and Saviour is Far Right. Think of Far Right as Far Correct and you won’t go Far Wrong. There are many slurs the Far Left use. Racist, bigot, incel, cis, White Supremacist… but Far Right is a factual description of any man who would not bow to evil’s misbegotten yoke – and especially of those who are grateful to the Begotten Son.
Hi Christopher,
We couldn’t agree more – if anything such as the mythical “far right” even exists, it is exactly as you say – a response to the idiocy and full frontal attack by “far left” elements on our society, culture and humanity itself; an ideology that would have us all literally manacled and shackled if it had its way.
As far as the horseshoe theory goes, it is easier to see that this might be a feasible analogy when you consider, as you infer, that the “far left” and the so-called “far right” as viewed traditionally are actually one and the same thing, and pulling in the same direction towards the same goal of totalitarianism.
Many thanks for your comments.
Best wishes,