From MPs fibbing in parliament and fiddling their expenses, all the way to flat-out lies justifying regime-change operations causing the deaths of millions, few would deny that the so-called powers-that-be are often disingenuous. The fact that the self-proclaimed authorities routinely lie in order to manipulate and further their own agendas is rarely a point of contention.

Yet, sadly, regardless of all the evidence you could throw at them, there is a large proportion of society who will always believe the official narratives they are told on TV.

You can guarantee with 100% certainty that those same people will have firmly believed they were saving granny during lockdowns and unquestioningly worn face masks when told. Many of them still do. 

They will also be steadfast in their belief of man-made climate change, with near 100% certainty.

You could show such people: 

But they would still believe the official narrative on Covid & masks, climate change and other matters, regardless.

Should they ever retort with with the hackneyed line, “But why didn’t it appear on the news?!” you could always inform them that all major news outlets are owned and controlled by the same corporations, or even that the CEO of Reuters news agency that so heavily pushed the Covid narrative is on the Pfizer board of directors. But it wouldn’t matter. 

“Conspiracy theory.” 


Despite all evidence.

But what has this got to do with racism or immigration?

Saturday saw anti-racism rallies held across Scotland in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, as well as Dumfries town centre.

The event resulted in the cancellation of that day’s Dumfries Town Market, allegedly due to concerns over “far-right” counter protests. Stallholders were not happy that the blanket decision to cancel the market was taken without their involvement.

One trader told us: “As vendors we rely on regular trade of Dumfries Market – Rosefield Mills Gallery is relatively new to the market and we are all local, handcrafted. We have built a good reputation and have regulars. We are all gutted that the market was cancelled by the manager – without any consultation with traders.

“I think if the traders were given the choice they would have traded. Why was any kind of protest allowed in the main area of town knowing that there could have been an outside chance of any kind of trouble?”

Astonishingly, Police Scotland had already confirmed that there was “no intelligence” to suggest there might be similar rioting in Scotland, making the decision to cancel all the more baffling.

But why an anti-racism rally in Dumfries? Is there really a problem with racism in this area?

If we were so racist, surely the alleged “far-right” would consistently show their dissent against the multitude of ethnic food outlets in Dumfries?

If we were so racist, then why are there so many immigrant businesses – Turkish barbers, Greek dentists, Halal grocery stores and Chinese herbal remedy shops, to name but a few – thriving without issue?

If we were so racist, then surely we’d be hearing reports of attacks on minorities by white supremacists on a weekly basis?

If we were so racist, surely this “far-right” they speak of would have had issues with all immigrants, not just the recent influx of fighting-age males?

Do we really have much of a problem to justify such an event here in Dumfries? Or was the rally just a peacock display of moral virtue?

We caught up with event organiser and Dumfries & Galloway Trade Union Council secretary John Dennis, who was kind enough to be interviewed. We thank him for his time.

John came across as genuine, sincere and passionate about anti-racism, and determined to shine a positive light on the contribution of refugees and asylum seekers within the region. He estimates that there were around 200 people in attendance with guest speakers being joined by poets at the event, which he informs us was covered by Border TV and the local press.

So, the question: is Dumfries racist? 

Not really, according to John Dennis. Save for isolated racist comments and the occasional graffiti, racism within Dumfries & Galloway was of a low prevalence. He told us that the rally was not specific to any issues within this region, and was not a reaction to the protests planned for the end of this month regarding the behaviour of migrants currently lodged in a Dumfries hotel – although we have since heard that in his speech on Saturday, John encouraged those at the rally to counter protest the event on 30th August.

We messaged Mr Dennis asking if he would confirm whether he had in fact said that and also whether this could be seen as a form of incitement, as such counter protests often lead to violence. By the time of writing, no response has been received.

When asked why male migrants would leave women, children and the vulnerable behind to deal with situations they themselves felt the need to escape (the opposite of what happened in WWII when “children, mothers with infants and the infirm from British towns and cities” escaped to the countryside to avoid Luftwaffe bombing raids) John put this down to the “rigours and dangers” of the journey to get here, and believes that women and children will follow once the migrants are established.

With regards to several incidents involving migrants within the town, John was quick to stress that police had interviewed the suspects but that no action was taken. We suspect this was construed so as to confirm the absence of guilt on the part of the migrants, rather than some sort of government-decreed preferential treatment.

John did reveal, however, that the TUC is currently working with Dumfries community police to provide migrants with a leaflet of dos & don’ts – a list that he would not elaborate on, other than “Don’t go anywhere on your own”, “know the expected standards of behaviour in certain countries” and also “behaviour towards the opposite sex” – a tacit admission that in some instances there is a recognised problem in that regard, about which he stated that “one or two” had “done stupid things” like taking photos of female passers-by.

He also stated that social media posts had over-exaggerated matters when it came to migrants’ behaviour, although there was no discussion about the upcoming court case concerning the alleged molestation of a Dumfries girl. 

We doubt that the young girl or her parents would agree.

Mr Dennis was sincere in his belief that the migrants are genuine refugees fleeing war-torn countries and persecution: in other words, rightly or wrongly, he 100% believes the official narrative espoused by government and mainstream media outlets about the reasons behind the mass immigration we are witnessing.

Is he correct? Maybe. But, given that we know for a fact that “they” lie on a regular basis, maybe not.

We do not have the answers: only more questions.

We asked John what he would say to those who believe that the influx of migrants is part of a larger global agenda to destroy Western societies, ways of life and cultures. By the time of writing, no response has been received.

We could inform the attendees at Saturday’s rally about the warnings given over the decades by whistleblowers such as William Cooper, author of Behold a Pale Horse who exposes the secret government above the level of nations.

Then we have L. Fletcher Prouty, the author of JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy who served as Chief of Special Operations under JFK, who stated: 

The Kennedy assassination has demonstrated that most of the major events of world significance are masterfully planned and orchestrated by an elite coterie of enormously powerful people who are not of one nation, one ethnic grouping, or one overridingly important business group. They are a power unto themselves for whom those others work. Neither is this power elite of recent origin. Its roots go deep into the past.” 

And Dr. Lawrence Dunegan’s exposure of a 1969 speech made by Rockefeller insider Dr Richard Day, in which he described plans already in place for a one world government, successfully predicting the course of world events ever since – everything from sex education/contraception, technology, industry, orchestrated financial crashes, the emergence of new diseases and illnesses, a rise in alcohol and drug abuse; even fashion, the proliferation of women’s football, entertainment, music, film and more, were all events orchestrated from above:

Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people and second is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system.

Ostensible purpose. Real purpose. 

Providing sanctuary for those in need is the ostensible purpose of refugees, something to which surely no-one would object.

Some are concerned about the words of Barbara Lerner Spectre, Founding Director of Paideia in Sweden, who in the mid-2000s openly discusses her organisation’s involvement in mass migration into Europe.  

Some are concerned about the provocatively-titled Replacement Migration document on the official United Nations website, published in the year 2000, one recommendation of which states “For the European Union, the total number of migrants in this scenario is 674 million (or 13 million per year) by the year 2050” – 59.7 million in the UK alone.

Should we trust the official narrative, like John and those who attended Saturday’s rally clearly do? 

Whatever the ostensible purpose, we know not to trust those who lie. 

What is the real purpose? Is there one, over and above the official, surface-level, ostensible narrative?

To reiterate: we do not have the answers. 

But one thing we can be sure of is that those who LIE, MANIPULATE, DECEIVE, ABUSE and DESTROY for their own ends are heavily involved, whatever their goals may be. 

You could give people all the evidence in the world, but it would make no difference to the moral virtue brigade.

Jabbed-up, masked-up, peacock plumage tucked away until the next rally, off they drive in their Tesla, saving the planet as they go, their place beyond those pearly gates assured…

The final word goes to KGB defector Yuri Besmenov, who in a 1984 interview describes the communist method of Ideological Subversion that had already deeply penetrated Western societies: 

“… half-baked intellectuals are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system […] they are contaminated, they are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain patternyou cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black…”

*We also asked John Dennis if he had a message or an apology for the traders after their market was cancelled. By the time of writing, no response has been received.

Right of Reply: Contact with additional or alternative information. Anonymity guaranteed.

7 thoughts on “If we were so racist”

  1. Michael Dent

    A very good read, well researched and I believe it captured the current events well. A AS it is article instead of the usual rubbish from more mainstream media.

  2. I agree with the above comment. So many questions of which we can guess or even know the answers, but it still doesn’t stop us from asking the questions because we are not being told the truth. Why would the TUC hold a protest march through Dumfries. Question 2 – what on earth has anti-racism got to do with the TUC? Q3. Why was Dumfries market cancelled and without consultation? And those are just the questions of the minutiae.

    1. Franca, thank you so much for your comments. Yes, agreed – there are so many questions to be asked. Unfortunately, there are some who believe we should not even be allowed.

      1. Christine Shorten

        Seems to me UK governments are basically puppets of the WEF masters. That’s all you need to know. It’s about control. The asylum seekers are not being processed quickly enough. We have insufficient accommodation for our own, where are these going? Control fully of pr
        eviously democratic free peoples is the main goal together with undermining culture and beliefs.

  3. A very good article. I suspect this couls apply to any town or city in the UK where integration is a normally positive part of life. Then there are the virtue-signallers and race baiters…

  4. Pingback: A Dumfries man – Declaration of Dumfries

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