Devi Shredder!

Devil slain by Angel at nauseating self-preening event

A Globalist pharma shill complicit in the failed attempt to implement medical fascism in Scotland was given a rude awakening on Friday, when her University of Edinburgh love-in session – ‘In Conversation with Devi Sridhar’ – was disrupted in spectacular fashion. 

WEF puppet Sridhar was left rattled when questioned by citizen journalist Moira Brown, who campaigns alongside rights activists Sandra Gallagher and Samantha Kerr at *Police Scotland Angels, whose mission it is to hold Police Scotland’s constables to their oath to protect fundamental human rights.

Witnessed by a bewildered audience and event Chair Liz Grant, Director of the Global Health Academy, Sridhar was asked why, when there was no evidence that the injections stopped transmission, did she promote them as if they did – and also the implementation of a fascist control system under the guise of ‘health passports’, leaving the unvaxxed “outside like dogs”. Sridhar responded citing a Scottish study “which showed that the jabs did prevent transmission,” she lied.

“I went there to ask a question I wish the police would ask her – in an interview room under caution,” Moira told DoD, “I found it depressing as to what passes for academia these days – which seems to be total obedience to funders with invested interests in companies which benefit most from destroying High Street businesses. It hurt my logical brain to listen to Prof. Devi Sridhar aggressively selling pharmaceutical drugs and the need for constant testing, injecting, masking and incarceration (to stop a virus)! The policies she so advocates are murderous yet the sycophantic audience, mostly working alongside her in Global Health, nodded along in agreement to her every word.”

Moira then asked who funded Sridhar and the Global Health Academy. Lying once more, the failed fascist stated that she had received no funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation nor big pharma, but that her wages were paid by the University of Edinburgh (BMGF grant funding 2008-2021: £41,238,737) and the Wellcome Trust (owned by GlaxoSmithKline; shares in Johnson & Johnson to the tune of £266M (with 2.5x ROI) and Unilever (£306M, 1.9x ROI); heavy investment in big tech corporations including Microsoft, Alphabet, Facebook and Amazon, amongst others).

“I don’t think she was expecting anyone to disagree with her Public Health policies,” Moira added. “Throughout my questioning the audience around me made noises showing their disapproval which escalated when I asked who funded their Global Health.”

Here at the Declaration we had to lie down in a darkened room after learning that Ms. Sridhar had somehow managed to fill a room full of fawning sycophants willing listen to her. Unfortunately for the disingenuous pharma-pusher, however, at least one person in that room was no such sycophant, and to celebrate her heroic deed Moira now finds herself alongside the likes of ex-nurse Kirsty Miller and Cinema & Co. owner Anna Redfern on the Declaration of Dumfries Wall of Honour.

Devi Sridhar’s Wall of Shame certificate will be making its way to her this week. We hope she appreciates the sentiment.

Finally, we have a small question for Devi Sridhar. As DoD readers will be aware, we have been trying for some time now to obtain the lawfully-established, legally-binding obligation to government Acts and Statutes, diktats and decrees, and despite repeated requests both the Scottish Government and UK Ministry of Justice have thus far come up empty-handed. So the question is, Devi: who is the man or woman with the right, the power and the authority to force lockdowns, restrictions and masks upon others? 

We’ll give you a clue… IT’S NOT YOU.

Moira’s work can be found on YouTube under ‘Moira Dundee’; her book ‘Questioning Lockdown’ can be found on

*Moira Brown is no longer associated with Police (Scotland) Angels (31/10/2024)


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