Thailand. October 2007. Lying in a hammock outside on the balcony. Sober, sleepy and content.

I was suddenly hit by a bolt of energy, supreme love and bliss coursed through my consciousness. With it came powerful words “My Lord is coming and nothing else matters”

I do not really recall much more. I was so overwhelmed by the energy, I know it took me days to recover. 

I was confused by the term “My Lord”. I am not religious and “Lord” speaks to me of patriarchal authority like judges and dukes. A real turn off.

But I also know that when the brain is translating energy downloads, it uses whatever is in the brain’s repository to make sense, so perhaps that was all I had to describe this event. And there was no mistaking the Love and Bliss.

Fast forward to May 2015. I had just arrived in Dumfries and someone posted The Last Prophecy of Peter Deunov.

“A few decades will pass before this Fire comes, which will transform the world by bringing a new morality to it. This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will flood the whole Earth. Anyone who tries to oppose it will be taken away and transferred elsewhere.”

I knew thrillingly that this was “My Lord is coming” energy.

Then I read about Dr Paul LaViolette and his super wave theory. Cosmic energy coming from The Galactic Centre to upgrade Consciousness as our DNA may be affected by cosmic rays.

LaViolette proposes major disruptions to the Earth, as does Deunov. Ah Dear.

We have had some very powerful CME’s from the sun lately, resulting in one weekend of glorious displays of Aurora Borealis. “Hello” says the sun.

My most exciting validation is from Clif High.

Clif High is a computer scientist and linguist who has been credited as the founder of the Predictive Linguistics field, a powerful process that analyses vast amounts of internet data to predict future language about future events, due to the nature of humans. Clif believes (and I have seen this in myself and others) that, as we are all Consciousness, immersed in an ocean of consciousness, we all know what is happening and what is going to happen. But we cannot enjoy the drama of life if we know this, so we “forget” but it leaks out in writings, albeit subconsciously. This is what Clif High taps into with his web bots.

Clif’s data sets from the 1990’s specifically talk about mid July, 2024. Next week, people. It seems that there may be an event occurring. In the sky?

According to the ancient texts which have been translated by A.I., Earth is now out of the period of time known as the Kali Yuga and is rising in it’s elliptical orbit around the Galactic Centre. We are above M9, which is a cluster of stars, tightly packed together by gravity so we are experiencing 100% of the energy from the Galactic core now.  Wow! Wave bye bye to Normal as the energies from The Galactic Core bathe us for the first time in thousands of years and people start to wake up.

So, what does this all add up to? 

I and many others think it is possible that we may experience some sort of energy wave next week which will change many people. An energy wave sent from The Galactic Core. The Central Computer if you like.

Dick Allguire, a well known Remote Viewer with a team at Future Forecasting Group, “saw” an event whereby energy is directed to the 10th cranial nerve in humans. This nerve is the Vagus nerve and it is the only nerve that does not have a dampening mechanism or a shield. The only nerve that can be effectively zapped to alter consciousness in a human being.

One of the reasons I have held onto the premise that some external force would alter consciousness on Earth is because we are so immersed in corruption that I see no other way out. 

Belief systems, many of them unconscious, desperately need to change. 

Like the beliefs around money. How many believe that a wealthy person has the authority to tell us how to behave? That wealthy people are somehow more intelligent and by virtue of their wealth can force the rest of the world to eat a certain way or take a particular drug?

How many people think it is clever to rip off a fellow human? 

If we do not change our minds, then we will either destroy ourselves or be destroyed.

Sophia One, who seems to receive otherworldly communication, says this:

“Are you saying that there will be a “sky event” on or near to that date?”

The precise date is less important than the general time frame. What is being said here is that Mankind’s belief and expectation pretty much demands an “intervention” that comes from beyond this Earth, and so it will be. 

The size, number of witnesses, and controller’s reaction to it remains to be seen.

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