Laughable local authority meeting shows Scotland ripe for picking

If you had a plan to undermine wealthy economies, impoverish entire nations and then rule over the ruins, you’d need an army of useful idiots willing to do your dirty work.

Cue the council meeting in Dundee last week. 

A clip of the meeting posted on YouTube gives an example of such useful idiots—in this case, climate activists hell-bent on destroying civilisation as we know it and plunging Western nations into a dystopia of poverty and rationing on the back of the easily proven lie of man-made climate change. In scenes reminiscent of the Stop the [non-existent] Far Right protests in Dumfries recently, they peacock displayed their morality with the use of clichés such as ‘climate action plan’ and ‘achieve Net Zero’. 

Unfortunately for them, their back-patting session ground to a halt when Dundee’s Moira Brown (who has previously featured on DoD) interrupted proceedings to deliver some home truths to the incredulous circle jerk, tearing the hysterical climate hoax to shreds before being hurriedly cut off by panicking council staff.

“They muted the mic so only a few words can be heard of my interruption from the public gallery on the livestream,” Moira told DoD, “I recorded it on my dictaphone and added the audio using software at home.”

Moira can be heard raising pertinent points exposing the climate scam, but pertinent points count for nothing against brownie points. You’d be as well firing a pea shooter at an aircraft carrier.

With Moira safely out of the way, the microphone was handed to a climate activist called Sandy, representing the ‘North Sea Knitters’ (we kid you not), who claimed to have “lectured and researched in the earth and environmental Sciences for over 30 years”. She proceeds to spout more clichés like ‘global justice’, ‘increasingly hostile planet’ and ‘terrifying future’, followed by perhaps the lamest phrase of them all—and the reason why Scotland being invaded some time soon is probably for the best—the most pathetic term ever invented: Eco anxiety.

The North Sea Knitters can be found on Instagram. Their claims to sainthood include:

  • “We left the lovely staff with vegan mince pies and hand-knitted red scarves to remind them of the 1.5 degrees of global warming that is dangerous for humanity to cross.”
  • “Our knitted red lines are not only symbolic of the red line if 1.5c which must not be crossed, but also of our love for humanity”
  • “We knit and stitch a resistance that will unite all countries around the Nordic Sea”
  • “[We] gathered outside the Scottish Parliament to knit a red line representing the critical 1.5C limit of climate warning.”

What can we say. The long winter evenings must just fly by.

Such climate hysteria is nothing new, of course. The Extinction Clock website documents many of the false claims and erroneous predictions made by hysterical climate alarmists over the decades, ranging from:

  • 1970 George Wald (Harvard).“Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind”

(Didn’t happen)

  • 1989 U.N. predicts disaster if global warming not checked by 2000. “A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000”

(Didn’t happen)

  • 2018 Climate change will wipe out all of humanity says Greta Thunberg. “A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”

(Didn’t happen)

And much, much more—none of which happened.

You could even show them that the term “fossil fuel” was deliberately invented for the minds of the public to feel that it is an asset that is running out”, and then direct them to studies proving the abiogenic origin of oil because “hydrocarbon compounds generate in the asthenosphere of the Earth”but would this deter the climate alarmists? 

Of course not, because facts simply do not matter to the cult of moral virtue—and it’s quite telling that you will never hear them utter so much as a single word about China’s so-called carbon emissions.

Perhaps there’s more than meets the eye to the North Sea Knitters’ persistent use of the colour red. 

Once again we congratulate Moira on her fortitude in attempting to talk sense into useful idiots, no matter how futile that may have been against a combination of climate activists and council workers.

To any imperialistic despot keen to annex a lame, weak-minded Western nation for themselves over a single weekend, then the Bat-Signal was surely given at last week’s council meeting in Dundee. 

If only they’d get a move on. Wonder if Vladimir is busy this weekend?

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This article can also be viewed on Declaration of Dumfries Substack page.

Above: Dundee activist Moira Brown, author of Questioning Lockdown

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