Beyond the grave…

Ace exits with possible divine intervention

Here at the Declaration we received news this morning that NHS Dumfries & Galloway CEO Jeff Ace (pictured right) has announced his retirement, effective on 31st March next year. Mr Ace, who repeatedly failed to ensure that Covid vaccine recipients were properly informed about the product they were being injected with – despite all of the evidence he was provided – is stepping down after being in the position since 2012. 

Ace’s wilful neglect led to tens of thousands of Dumfries & Galloway Council residents – including pregnant women and children – being injected with a genetic substance without being properly informed of its experimental nature, meaning that the full safely profile or adverse consequences will not be known for a number of years.

The timing of his announcement has certainly raised an eyebrow here at the DoD. Almost a year after our highly detailed formal complaint was ignored last September – with no small amount of arrogance by the seemingly unaccountable ‘Accountable Officer’ Jeff Ace those same documents boomeranged back onto his desk just under a month ago, when a family bereaved as a direct result of the AstraZeneca vaccine used the docs as the foundation of their own formal NHS complaint about the failure of informed consent for their deceased and dearly missed mother.

To respect the family’s privacy we will not be revealing names, but DoD had the privilege of meeting this lady shortly before her health deteriorated. After suffering severe side effects from the Covid jab, she was very keen to issue a complaint to NHS Dumfries & Galloway as she had not been given anything like the information necessary to make a properly informed decision. Alas, shortly after that meeting her health rapidly deteriorated, and within just a few weeks she became gravely ill and was quickly hospitalised.

Despite her poor health, however, she was still every bit as determined to make the complaint happen, and just a few days before her sad demise she still had the fortitude and strength of character – not to mention sense of humour – to contact DoD to say that she wanted to “haunt them from beyond the grave!” and go ahead with her complaint even after her passing. From that moment, all involved were motivated to make this inspirational lady’s wish happen, and the joint effort between DoD and the bereaved family must have landed on Ace’s desk like a bolt from the heavens.

We may never be certain of the precise reasons for Jeff Ace’s exit, but one thing we can be sure of is that one lady’s wish has been fulfilled. Here at the DoD we cannot help but think that there was indeed a divine hand in today’s news.

This article is dedicated to that lady and her family. May she Rest in Peace.

6 thoughts on “Beyond the grave”

  1. I hope that justice is fully executed as this man has to face judiciary for his crimes against the people of Dumfries and Galloway. It’s not enough for him to say ‘I was just following orders!’ The man has blood on his hands.

  2. A beautiful article. Written with dignity. She would have been proud. May her death not be in vain.

    1. Thank you Franca, your comments are appreciated.

      You can be sure we’ll be doing our best to make sure her death was not in vain.

      Stay tuned.


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