Formal complaint (pt.5)
DoD docs plugged by doc on popular podcast
Friday evening saw Declaration of Dumfries feature on the weekly broadcast of a prominent alternative media outlet.
The Unity News Network show is hosted by highly-respected journalist Jacqui Deevoy, and included in Friday’s line-up were bereaved mother Rebecca Charles and social commentator Kat Watkins, alongside specialist orthopaedic surgeon Dr Ahmad Malik, discussing topics ranging from health issues to sexualisation of children, and more.

“No-one had informed consent” – Dr Ahmad Malik discusses formal complaint documents with Jacqui Deevoy on renowned journalist’s Friday evening show
During the interview, Dr Malik – who describes himself as “passionate about free speech and medical ethics” on his personal website – discussed the formal complaint documents that were submitted to Dumfries & Galloway health board in September of last year – only to receive a ‘nil response’ despite dozens of signatures of support (see previous articles).
Taken in with the document’s contents, the specialist ankle surgeon stated, “No-one had informed consent… the health boards need to be flooded – inundated – with these complaints.”
The podcast can be found on this link. Templates are downloadable from the Declaration of Dumfries website in both PDF and Word format and can be adjusted to individuals’ own requirements.
We thank both Dr Ahmad Malik and Jacquie Deevoy for promoting our documents, and in return wish them every success in getting their word out and discussing those seemingly taboo topics that the mainstream press seem reluctant to tackle in any meaningful way – or, indeed, do their level best to shut down. Regular DoD readers will be aware that this aligns precisely with DoD’s stated mission, as explained on our website.
With regards to the complaint documents, vaccine-injured former sports coach Adam Rowland has teamed up with DoD and has issued a personalised formal complaint to NHS Cheshire & Merseyside. For the second week in a row, Adam has received a response stating that they are “still investigating” despite being way past the statutory deadline of forty working days for such complaints – apparently in order to provide a “full and robust” response.
We look forward to receiving their “full and robust” response and will update our readers in due course.
In the meantime, we are working on another personalised formal complaint much closer to home that will be sent once again to Dumfries & Galloway health board – a complaint that, this time, they cannot ignore.
Watch this space.