April to April Fool!

Exiting NHS CEO lands long overdue place on DoD Wall of Shame

Many will remember the departing Dumfries & Galloway NHS Board CEO Jeff Ace’s tenure for the accusations of bullying and victimisation under his watch. Others might remember him for the recent cyber attack in which “hackers could have acquired a “significant quantity” of patient and staff data”.

While we cannot be sure of his culpability in either of those incidents, one thing we can be 100% certain about is his absolute guilt and doggedly determined failure to gain informed consent for Covid-19 vaccinations, despite being in full knowledge of the reality of the situation.

Even though the feckless bureaucrat was given irrefutable, documented and detailed evidence showing the phase III clinical trial status of the Covid jabs, Mr Ace steadfastly refused to ensure that vaccine recipients – including pregnant women and children – were told of the facts before agreeing to be experimented upon.

Traditionally, April 1st has been celebrated with hoaxes and practical jokes played upon the gullible, but the gullibility of the departing NHS Dumfries & Galloway chief exec is no laughing matter.

His refusal to gain properly informed consent for a single vaccination with the experimental, gene-based Covid injections was certainly no joke; neither were the hoax of the misused and diagnostically-incapable PCR tests, nor the hoax of the media propaganda-led advertisement campaign with its fake vaccine salesman’s slogan, “Safe & Effective”™.

Fortunately for Jeff, a system as corrupt as Scotland’s banana republic will never prosecute one of its own criminal perpetrators – not even an unwitting, April to April, year-round fool like himself.

Until we see evidence indicating otherwise, we can expect nothing different from Mr Ace’s replacement Julie White. She will, no doubt, have had to tick every order-following, unquestioning compliance box necessary to ensure she is of the exact same mold as her predecessor.

We shall see, but in the meantime we can rest assured that Jeff Ace, the health board CEO complicit in the experimentation on the public and their children without their being informed, will be put out to pasture under no illusion that we are ever likely to forget what he has done. His laminated Declaration of Dumfries Wall of Shame certificate is on its way.

We wish Mr Ace the retirement he deserves.

4 thoughts on “April to April Fool!”

  1. An excellent fitting piece for the criminal that he is. Hopefully one day he will face justice.

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