Robert the Truth

PF throws out case as Police Scotland conduct brought into question after vax centre incident 

A Stranraer resident has had a court case that can at best be described as “fatuous” dismissed at Stranraer Sheriff Court.

Rab Reeves, 46, was arrested after entering the vax centre at Waverley Medical Centre on 7th July of last year and asking several very legitimate questions, as well as providing the startled NHS vaccinator with some awkward home truths.

“My intention was to highlight the gross negligence in professional standards, harm being caused as a result, breaking the law on informed consent and enrolling the public in a clinical trial,” he told DoD.

He continued, “And to expose the coercion by the NHS advertising the vaccines as having undergone all the same safety checks as every other vaccine – yet, when they handed me the insert, it said ‘authorisation for temporary emergency use only.’ Mr Reeves also received a letter inviting him for a booster, “which claimed to protect me from ‘variants yet to be discovered in the coming winter.’

The flustered vax nurse – who failed to provide a single adequate response to any of the questions – clearly must have reported the incident, as Rab was then contacted by Police Scotland; “I got a phone call from the police the following day asking to speak to me. I attended the station voluntarily the day after that and was arrested and detained for 3 hours at the station.”

He was then charged under the Criminal Justice Act section 38(1), which is an offence of “threatening and abusive behaviour” and causing “fear and alarm”.

Mr Reeves – who was a nurse for 20 years, including holding the position of manager for 12 – provided DoD with the recording of the incident, in which he asks pertinent questions, such as:

the names of 5 vax ingredients (NHS vaccinator stuttered the word “poly” several times in a failed attempt to say “Polyethylene Glycol”);

why the injector failed to confirm identity, against NHS professional standards;

and the risk/benefit analysis of the vax versus the virus for a man of Rab’s age. 

“Most concerning was the part where she admitted she was well aware of the yellow card reporting system, yet according to the data contained on it at the time and the insert leaflet I was handed I was much more likely statistically to have a stroke from the vaccine than becoming seriously ill with covid,” Rab explained.

None of the questions were answered satisfactorily. Additionally, there was no threat, abuse, or causing of fear or alarm in contravention of the Criminal Justice Act, as charged. Moreover, the Police Scotland Officer dealing with the case had omitted large sections of the audio recording in the transcript submitted to court – a clear case of evidence tampering.

Rab informed DoD that he now intends to pursue the evidence-tampering Police Officer for perverting the course of justice. We wish Rab every success in his quest for justice, and salute him for standing in truth.

DoD has contacted Police Scotland and NHS Dumfries & Galloway for comment. We will provide an update in due course.

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